Teach agents how to get more real estate listings

Category: Objection Master

You are the (insert number) agent to call me today!!! (expired) 

Typically, these sellers have not had near as many calls as they claim. When you go from getting 2 calls a day to getting 10 in the same day it just feels like a lot.

We really need to focus our call on “selling” their house, not “listing” their house. 

Seller: You are the 30th agent to call me today!!

Agent: Wow that is a lot!! Have you really had 30 call?

Seller: Yes

Agent: They all were asking you to let them list your house? (let them answer)

Seller: Yes

Agent: I am not calling you to talk about listing your house. (oh)

I am calling you about selling your house, are you still interested in selling your house?

(continue with your original script)

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Where were you when our home was listed before? (expired)

Expired sellers don’t understand sometimes that there are thousands of homes on our local MLS and typically their agent didn’t do anything to make their home stand out. Sometimes they just had bad pictures, a bad description and never answered their phone. Sometimes its just the home didn’t sell, it was priced well, just bad timing. 

This is the script I would use. 

Mr/Mrs seller

That is a great question. I look on MLS dailey at all of the homes on the market. Plus I talk to a lot of agents. Your previous agent, didn’t let me know about your home.

I am looking at it right now online. Do you still want to sell it?

I can tell you exactly why it didn’t sell. (let them answer)

(set appointment)

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Call us Back after the Holidays

This objection is popular among sellers around Christmas and Thanksgiving.

Here is how I would handle this objection

Seller: Call us back after the holidays.

Agent: Mr/Mrs seller. Let me ask you a quick question before I let you go. Do you all really need to sell your home? (yes) The reason I ask is this time of year we do not have as many buyers looking as we do in the spring and summer, but the ones that are looking are very serious. Plus inventory is a lot lower in the winter months.

(Make a weekly follow up plan for this lead. If you wait until after the holidays a lot more agents are going to be calling. You do not want them to forget you)

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We already have an agent

This is a common objection. I always feel like if it isn’t on MLS and they are attempting to do it FSBO, they more than likely do not have paperwork signed and probably do not have an agent.

I have had some cases where I would ask “who is the agent?” and they would give me a name that wasn’t in MLS or someone who wasn’t even in the business any longer.

This is an objection to get you off the phone, most agents never inquire any further. 

Here is how I handle this objection.

Seller: We already have an agent.

Agent: Fantastic, Who is your agent?

Seller: (let them answer, they might not even have an agent)

Agent: I tell you what, how about I send you over our marketing plan? You can look over it and compare it to theirs? There might be a few things you can steal from it, (haha) this plan sold (number of homes your office sold last year) homes last year. What is your email?

(follow up)

Often times I will follow up to make sure they received my email. Normally if they have talked to another agent, that agent does not have any written marketing plan. 

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We will Pay You 3% if you bring a buyer

This is my favorite objection for these reasons

  1. They are offering to pay me. Maybe it isn’t what I charge, but they see value in my service.
  2. These sellers are open to the possibility of working with me
  3. They are super easy to set an appointment with

When you get this objection, you should get excited! At this point, you are just justifying your service and negotiating your commissions. I never negotiate commissions over the phone. Set an appointment as quickly as possible, ask for their email address and send your pre-listing package. 

Seller: We will pay you 3% if you bring a buyer.

Agent: Fantastic: Will you be home at 4pm today? 

Seller: (yes)

Agent: great I am going to stop by and take a look at your home so that we can see if we have a buyer for you. What is your email address? I want to send you some information on me and my team, so you know who is coming by? (send your pre-listing package asap).

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We don’t want to pay a real estate commission.

This one is great! Guess what, I don’t like to put gas in my car, but I don’t want to walk. I also don’t like paying a doctor, but I do know that when I have a health problem, I want to get well as soon as possible.

We need to focus on what they do want. They want to sell their house. Overcome this objection quickly and get back to your script.

Here is how I would handle this objection. 

Seller: We are not ready to list our house.

Agent: no problem, you do want to sell your house, correct? (let them answer)

Immediately go back to the next question on your script

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We are not ready to list our house

This is often nothing more than a smoke screen to get you off the phone. I would focus the conversation on “selling their house” rather than “listing” their house. After All that is what they want. 

Seller: We are not ready to list our house.

Agent: no problem, you do want to sell your house, correct? (let them answer)

Immediately go back to the next question on your script

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2 Strategies to Overcome any Objection

With scripts and strategies to overcome them

Let’s get started.

For each of these objections, I am going to give you a simple, uncomplicated strategy to overcome that objection, some will have scripts, others will have a strategy. I don’t want you to get bogged down in the details of a specific objection, My goal is for you to learn the process to overcome them. 

For you all wanting to cut to the chase.

I believe that people are normally wanting to sell their house because they have a problem and they think, selling their home can fix that problem. 

Strategy 1. Overcome the objection quickly and revert back to your original script.

Strategy 2. Get as much information as possible and follow up. 

Is it really an Objection? Or a Condition?

It is easy to get confused, sometimes you might not be getting the objection you think you are. Sometimes you are actually just getting a condition. 

So what is a condition?

Oxford Dictionary defines it as:




the state of something with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order.
“the wiring is in good condition”

Often times a condition, is something that is true. The reason that seller said they can’t meet you at 2pm on Tuesday is because….. They just can’t meet you at 2pm on Tuesday, they have a doctors appointment or just something else going on.

It is really that simple. They have something going or happening and what you are proposing just does not work right now. 

About 4 years ago, I had a seller I was talking to about selling his house. We met at the house, the husband and wife really liked me. They already were moved out and the house was vacant. It looked great! But they had a couple small unfinished projects, that probably would have been a big deal for buyers getting financing, but nothing major.

A few weeks go by and we set another appointment to put the house on the market. A few days before we were going to meet,  a storm blew a tree over on the roof of the house. The sellers fortunately had insurance, but it was going to take a couple weeks to get it all cleaned up and the roof repaired. They canceled on me. 

A couple of weeks later we schedule another appointment to put the house on the market. The husband gets sick and gets admitted to the hospital. They canceled on me again!!

Now for most agents, they would take these cancelations as the sellers not wanting to work with them and they are just wasting their time. 

I kept following up, I eventually listed their home. I sold it and made $5,000 in commissions. The people wanted to work with me, they believed in me and they were not jerking me around…. They just had something called “life” happening to them. 

Difference between a Condition and an Objection

The difference is a Condition is something that is real. It is valid and often can be quantified. An Objection is often nothing more than a smoke screen. Some story they are telling you today to get you off the phone or out of their house. 

What do you do when you get a condition?

You wait and you follow up. Normally the only thing that can overcome or cure a condition is time, concern and a helpful heart. Following up with the potential client because you care about their situation and you want to help them.

When you get a condition on the phone like “I can’t meet tomorrow at 2pm” don’t overthink it. Just ask another question such as “Will you be at work then?” let them answer and offer another time. 

6 Reasons Sellers are giving you objections

So why do people use objections? Why can’t they just be upfront and just tell us what they are thinking? (lol) This is about as mysterious as asking your significant other “What do you want for dinner?”. No one knows, but from my experience, I have a few ideas why I think sellers are giving real estate agents objections.

  1. The agent does not know their scripts and they have not practiced them at all. So the phone conversation had no purpose and had no point. They got so off track during the conversation that they talked for 30 minutes about something as arbitrary as “what is your cat doing today?”.

    The agent hung up the phone and never really even asked a closing question or anything about the property that was for sale. They basically just said “hey, let me list your house.” then just talked randomly when the person said no.
  2. The seller just isn’t ready yet. This happens. Sometimes, they put a FSBO ad on craigslist and they do actually want to sell their house. But they have no plan at all for showing the home to anyone. They have work, a spouse, kids, dog, 10 unfinished projects and they have no clue where they would go if someone showed up on their door step with a bag of cash to pay their asking price.
  3. They do not have enough information about the service they are being offered or they were just misinformed about how real estate agents work.
    Imagine that, very similar reason we give lead generation companies objections. We just don’t know enough about what they are doing for us.
    Believe it or not, I have been on listing appointments, where the reason why they hadn’t already listed their home with an agent is, they didn’t know how agents worked. I have had people that didn’t know we get paid on performance. Most of us are not asking for a commission check upfront.
  4. They did not know how hard it would actually be to sell their house on their own (or how costly). With only around 50% of Americans owning homes, the percentage of Americans to actually go through the experience of selling a home is pretty small. I would be willing to bet your average seller has probably never worked with an agent to sell a house or at least they have not sold a property in the last 5 to 7 years, in the state they are in.

    I think this is often why sellers start our very strong, “hey we are selling ourselves” is their motto. Until they realize marketing on your own is tough, buyers “stretch the truth” about finances, attorney charge a lot of money and people never want to come see your house when it is convenient. Oh and I forgot, everyone calling from craigslist is looking for a “Rent to Own”.
  5. The agent before used an “A SOS” script. The agent they talked with before just was a bad or rude. They only cared about making a commission check. They never answered their phone. They never had any showings or feed back. They just assume other agents will be the same.
  6. It just was not a good time. This is different than “I am not ready”.Sometimes when you call a seller it just isn’t a good time. Just like the examples in the last chapter. They had a million things going on, talking to a real estate agent for 5 minutes just made it a million and one things. 

I am not telling you these are the only 6 reasons sellers are giving us objections, but I think this sums it all up pretty well and shows you that often an objection has very little to do with you.

On a basic level we all react a certain way to certain things. We all give objections.

How many objections have you given today?

I defined what an objection was at the beginning of this book. 

We are a society that we are continuously being sold to. All of us have our “go to” objections we use when we are confronted with these sales pitches. 

Here are some examples.  

  1. The gas station clerk asks you if you would like to buy a candy bar with your drink purchase. 
  2. The department store cashier asks you to sign up for a store credit card.
  3. The Insurance person cold calling you to sell you have health insurance. 
  4. The Real estate lead company calling you asking if you want to subscribe to their lead service.

I could keep going, but you get the point. You were probably thinking about your “go to” objection while you were reading them. 

Here is the reality of those examples and your objection.

  1. You don’t dislike the gas station clerk. They are probably a nice person. Maybe you are on a low carb diet? Maybe you just didn’t want a candy bar? Whatever your reason is, just because you didn’t buy a candy bar today, does not mean you won’t buy one during your next visit.
  2. The department store cashier is probably a nice person. Maybe you just didn’t want a new credit card? Maybe you were worried you would get turned down? Maybe you were in a hurry? But next trip to that store, there is a possibility, you could say yes.
  3. The insurance salesperson cold calling people about health insurance may have the best rates and coverage in the industry. You probably won’t know today, because when he called you, you had a million things going on and you just didn’t have time to talk…..so… you hung up on him… maybe said “don’t call back”. It wasn’t that you didn’t need health insurance, you just didn’t have time and were frustrated.
  4. The real estate lead generation company calling is something we deal with all the time. We would all love an extra deal a month, right? But they always call at a bad time and sometimes I don’t even understand what they are selling.

In each one of these examples, we used a go-to objection. These objections had nothing to do with the salesperson, the product/service or really anything. Some of the objections we give have far more personal reasons that we say no, than true disagreements with what is being offered.

Objections are a numbers game. The more people that come thru that convenience store door and are asked “would you like to add a candy bar for a dollar?”. The more candy bars they will sell. Maybe it is 3 out of 10 buy? If they had 100 people come thru the store. That is 30 more candy bars sold today and an additional $900 in revenue for the month! 

So the store has a conversion ratio of 3 out of 10 people buying a candy bar. I am almost certain a certain percentage of the 7 out of 10 non-buyers, think about a candy bar later and go back to the store to get one for a dollar. 

Everytime you hear an objection like “Bring a buyer and I will pay you 3%”, make them an offer for full representation (we cover this in more detail later in the book). You will always have a certain conversion rate, then an additional conversion rate from your follow up. 

Lead sales companies follow this same model. They call us, because most of us want more leads. A certain percentage will schedule a demo. A certain percentage will buy as soon as the demo ends and then an additional percentage will buy from their sales follow up. 

Generally, when sellers seems angry, short or frustrated on the phone, it is typically not you. It is often the personal situation they are in. 

#1 problem most Agents have making calls

The biggest problem most real estate agent are having, overcoming objections or just sales calls in general, is they think there is going to be a magic bullet, phrase or some sort of (insert the latest BS piece of technology) that is going to work 100% of the time.

Nothing works 100% of the time. If we really want to get honest about conversion numbers, the odds of you making 1 random phone call, setting an appointment, showing up and listing the house, is very small. 

If that is what you are hoping for, you will starve to death. 

BUT….There are so many agents that expect this and think this it is realistic. 

It is not.

I blame Hollywood. Everyone has watched movies like Boiler Room, Jerry Mcguire and The Wolf of Wall Street

All of these movies contain, what I would call, “Asshole Sales Objection Scripts” or in short “A SOS”. Which is exactly what it is.

Wikipedia defines “SOS” as morse code for a distress signal. The sales people using these scripts are in distress mode. I have heard it called “commission breath”. Typically, it is just desperation. They will do or say anything they think would lead them to a commission check. 

 These ‘A SOS” scripts are  where you tell your buyer/seller something that is just completely out of left field that really is just offensive or belittling. 

One of the best sales scenes in The Wolf of Wall Street, is an example of this. You see Leonardo DiCaprio (Jordan Belfort) has a guy on speaker phone and everyone is crowded around him. This guy clearly does not want to buy the stock he is being pitched.

All of a sudden the character, Jordan Belfort, delivers a well rehearsed line that is really just offensive and this guy on the phone goes from a complete non-believer to a believer and buys. 

There is only 1 place, I know that “A SOS” scripts work well and that is Hollywood. 

There is one thing you have to accept when prospecting sellers, I like to use this professional baseball analogy:

No one in baseball bats 1.000.

If you got on base 4 out of 10 at bats consistently, you will be a Hall of Fame player.

If you got on base just 3 out of 10 times consistently, you would be paid A REAL LOT OF MONEY

We are working in an industry where if you listed 3 out of 10 properties you went on listing appointments for and went on appointments consistently every week, you will take a boat load of property listings and make a lot of money. 

However, our game has one unique advantage over playing baseball. If you strike out or you blow the listing appointment or you just are really bad at the whole process, you can still follow up and have a chance at listing that seller’s property. You can get a “do over” and go back to bat again.

I wrote this book based on objections I have received and objections that were crowd sourced from my group coaching and my Facebook group Real Estate Agents that REALLY work. 

This is a book of scripts and strategies to overcome objections. It is not “A SOS” scripts, its real life stuff.

I hope you enjoy what I have put together and I hope it makes you a ton of money!

6 Beliefs that will change your real estate business

I feel like I need to tell you on these first pages what my real estate business beliefs and ideas are. All of this information comes from my 15+ years in the real estate business and from coaching thousands of agents all over North America. 

  1. I believe we are not in the business of selling houses. We sell a service that sells houses.

    I believe this service needs to have the ability to be replicated over and over. Just like McDonalds, they are not changing the temperature of your hamburger because you prefer it medium well. They are willing to add ketchup and mustard, but the actual cheeseburger, the bun and the process never actually changes.

    I believe that our business needs to be a sales system that is designed to market the homes that fit in what you have identified as your ideal client or the people you want to work with. If their home does no’t fit, you probably should not be their agent.
  2. We need to have a written marketing plan. In this book, I will call it a pre-listing package, a marketing plan or information about myself, my team and what we do to sell houses.

    Unbelievably, most agents do not have anything in writing they could send a seller client right now if they needed to. The ones that do have it, rarely send it. It sits on their laptop in a secret folder because, heaven forbid another agent get a glimpse of it.

    Every other profession has marketing material that tells about their service. We should have the same.
  3. The purpose of prospecting on the phone for sellers is to set appointments and meet sellers face to face, not to list the house. I often see agents struggle with this and try to pressure the seller over the phone to commit to the listing. This is extremely hard to do. It is kind of like a guy asking a girl to marry them before they have been on the first date.

    I believe that we should set up the listing appointment and then let our sales process actually do the work of listing the home.
  4. Follow up is really the key to massive real estate sales success. If you do not have a follow up plan you will fail.
  5. If you set up your business so you can replicate your high income producing daily activities, you can build a predictable business with predictable income.

These are the basis for my real estate group coaching program. To help agents build a business that actually works for them. One with a schedule and predictable income. Not the roller coaster most agents are riding.

With these things in mind, many of the objection handling strategies will make more sense and become more usable in your business.

What is an objection?

The Oxford Dictionary describes it as:




  1. an expression or feeling of disapproval or opposition; a reason for disagreeing

What I believe it is:

I believe an objection is often just an excuse not to do something. In the case of this book, it is a real estate property seller telling you their “go-to” line that is often just something to get you off the phone. 

The “sales objection” is a direct response in the evolution to our ancestors physiological reaction of flight or fight that occurs in the presence of something terrifying, either mentally or physically. 

In modern society we are not experiencing this reaction due to attacking wild animals, it is the response to the common sales call. 

Its a smoke screen, nothing more. For most agents it is a minor tactic that defeats them and somehow gets them to give up on their goals.

Most agents create more objections than they will ever overcome because they refuse to learn scripts, stick to them and practice.